Some sprites should be small and some should be big

Dec 1, 2020
Some sprites are too big and some sprites are too small but it's weird. I know that big pokemon sprites are small in this game and small are big but we can resize any image online. As we have already these sprites, I don't think it's illegal yo use the resized sprites of them. Also here is the way to resize a sprite online.

Go to piskelapp and you can see five icons at the right and click fifth one.
Then click browse image and choose the image you want to resize.
Then you will see a import option and you will see a resize bar and set the size. You can use ratio of height and width same as main sprite there.
Then click import and it will be resized and we are done.

The special feature of this tool is you don't need to draw new sprite and piskel will resize it by itself and it's the best online pixel editor.
Dec 1, 2020
Some small pokemons in reality like noivern is bigger than some big pokemon in reality like regigigas. Thats why i just wanna say that resize them and make them correct size.


Well-known member
May 12, 2018
Some small pokemons in reality like noivern is bigger than some big pokemon in reality like regigigas. Thats why i just wanna say that resize them and make them correct size.
Well if that's the case, the suggestion would consist of you listing the Pokemon that need to be resized rather than what you've written which doesn't list any of the Pokemon, it tells me how to use some tool online that I'll never use. Regardless, the Pokemon cannot be too small otherwise it'll look weird..
Likes: Groot
Dec 7, 2019
yea honestly i dont think we should use this suggestion, origami kartana is small enough, any smaller and it wouldnt be visible
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