Safari - All About Safari


Staff member
Jan 30, 2020
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The purpose of this thread is to let every one know the full list of all Pokémon in Safari Zone.

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This is the Safari Building which lets you into a safari zone. This building is present in every town. The entrance to the place is where colorful bubbles are shown and you have to click above all the bubbles to enter the building.

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This is the lobby of the Safari Building. You'll meet an attender called Jane who'll request you 10,000$ for entry and it lasts for 10 minutes only. You will be kicked out by Jane exactly in 10 minutes (Apparently Jane is an experienced kicker :p)
The amount can seem expensive but if you utilize it properly you can make a lot of profit than invested as entry fee. I'll explain how to utilize it properly to different ways further in the guide.

3. Screenshot 2021-12-31 181732.png
Upon confirmation of your payment, 10,000$ will be automatically deducted from your total balance on the top right corner of the screen. You'll enter the Safari Zone after paying the fee and Jane will provide you 30 Safari Balls to keep you engaged by catching the Pokémon in the Safari Zone.

Don't forget to bring your highest level and best Pokémon with you as the Pokémon in safari can range up from level 1 to level 40. I would strongly recommend you to bring 1 false swiping Pokémon like Scizor and 1 Pokémon that knows hypnosis like Gengar into the Safari Zone so that you can make the wild Pokémon 1 Hp with sleep effect easily and catch them more quickly and efficiently.

Screenshot 2021-12-31 181727.png For catching easily, as I mentioned above, you can false swipe a Pokémon and making it sleep to catch it. Here I have done an example by catching a Pidgey which shows on the top of this image. I false swiped the Pidgey using Marshadow and made it sleep using Darkrai but you can use any Pokémon with the same moves to suffice the purpose of catching. In safari zone you can only use Safari Balls to catch the Pokemons that spawns there.

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You can take a closer look at the Safari Balls. This is how they look. You will only be provided 30 Safari balls per entry, however, entering multiple times don't stock up your Safari balls. Maximum quantity you can hold in your backpack is 30 but buying some balls from others or trading the balls will stock it up.

As I have said before, I'll tell the 2 main ways to utilize the Safari Zone. The first way is the Leveling up. As Safari Zone spawns Pokémon from level 1-40 you can either grind exp from the zone and level up your Pokémon quicker if you are hesitant to find a exp grinding tile far away in the map, but note that every 10 minutes you will get kicked out and if you are grinding exp then 10,000$ will be lost each time.

The second way is Money making. As the Pokémon that spawns ranges from level 1-40, you can catch a lot of these Pokémon from given 30 pokeballs and sell them to Professor Aspen in Lab who will buy it for a high amount of money. If caught properly and you utilized all the balls properly by catching a lot of Pokémon, you can make quadruple or even five times or higher amount than investment which makes greater profit.

Note: Refresh once before selling the Pokémon you caught just now in safari to Aspen because he'll try to scam you at first but refreshing or reloading your page will expose his dirty tricks and he'll pay you way higher money.

7. Inkedcollage_LI.jpg
This image is the complete list of all Pokémon that can spawn in Safari Zone. For now, this is the complete list of Pokémon that can possibly spawn on safari. However, there are rarities for Pokémon that spawns there.

For example: Growlithe, Pidgey are common. Abra is uncommon. Eevee, Ditto are rare. Pumpkaboo is super rare. These are just examples of a rarities for a few Pokémon. All of the Pokémon have their own rarities and you can either ask and clarify it in the global chat or any staff online.

For now these are the Pokémon in Safari Zone. There is only 1 Safari Zone and entrances from any town into Safari Zone will lead you to only this Zone. In future if more Zones gets added I'll update the list. If you fear on the list getting changed, don't worry. Its perfect as for now. If it changes in future, I'll update it right away.

This guide was made because I had received a few requests and doubts regarding safari and Pokémon spawns on safari. I have pinned the list of Pokémon in #game-help in our discord server but for people who doesn't have discord can make use of this. I have made a whole guide because it will benefit the new players as well.

As far as I know, I have covered all the necessary details on this safari. If I had missed anything let me know in the comments so I can edit it. You can ask your doubts and clarify it in the comments as well.
Last edited:
Mar 15, 2021
The part about refreshing or Aspen will scam you isn't 100% accurate- check the price of a zubat before and after refreshing and you'll see what I mean :sneaky:


Staff member
Jan 30, 2020
The part about refreshing or Aspen will scam you isn't 100% accurate- check the price of a zubat before and after refreshing and you'll see what I mean :sneaky:
It does work DragonTamer. For example, try catching few safari mons and try aspen, he'll first offer below 1k dollars for few pokemons but if you refresh some pokemon can reach 2-3k after refreshing. Few pokemon's value are sold in negative even after refreshing for example like magikarps and zubats but magikarps and zubats aren't caught in safari ^_^
Mar 15, 2021
It does work DragonTamer. For example, try catching few safari mons and try aspen, he'll first offer below 1k dollars for few pokemons but if you refresh some pokemon can reach 2-3k after refreshing. Few pokemon's value are sold in negative even after refreshing for example like magikarps and zubats but magikarps and zubats aren't caught in safari ^_^
Yes, it does work, but making a blanket statement that he pays more for everything without mentioning that some pokemon decrease in value when you do it is not only misleading, but also has no place in a thread that is supposed to be an informative guide. His price probably does go up for everything in the safari, but not for every pokemon. Yes, let people know that it happens, but let them know all the details. He pays a positive amount for Zubat at first, and a negative amount afterwards.
Likes: glitch2005


Staff member
Jan 30, 2020
Yes, it does work, but making a blanket statement that he pays more for everything without mentioning that some pokemon decrease in value when you do it is not only misleading, but also has no place in a thread that is supposed to be an informative guide. His price probably does go up for everything in the safari, but not for every pokemon. Yes, let people know that it happens, but let them know all the details. He pays a positive amount for Zubat at first, and a negative amount afterwards.
As this guide was for Safari only, I gave a statement connecting to Safari and Aspen, its not a blanket statement. This guide is for Safari only. I would let people know but as this is Safari only guide and I would give like to stick with Safari alone. But, I don't regret on what you said. What you said is true but not necessary to be added in safari. When I make a Lab guide I'll point out what you said. As per Safari what I said is suffice for people to know about Safari because I mentioned to refresh once before selling the pokemon you caught just now in safari so people will know its about Safari. Thanks for bringing questions and arguments like this in comments because I strongly encourage these kind of reasonable ones so that people who might have had the doubt you asked can clarify it by reading the comments ^_^
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