Mike's latest activity

  • Mike
    Mike replied to the thread stones.
    if only there was a guide that told you where the lootballs are and what items they contain
  • Mike
    Mike commented on ARIELHUGGY's profile post.
  • Mike
    Mike replied to the thread Female Yampers..
    not a tournament. moving to market.
  • Mike
    Mike replied to the thread Looking For Job (Most Jobs).
    ...what other jobs are there?
  • Mike
    Mike replied to the thread IDEA!.
    rise does not do fakemon.
  • Mike
    Mike replied to the thread I am unable to move.
    you're stuck in the suspicious shopper because you stood on her head use the /faint chat command to return to the pokécentre
  • Mike
    Mike commented on Mylzander's profile post.
  • Mike
    Mike replied to the thread I keep getting stuck.
    abra teleports you to random spots in town. people like to use it to stand on rooves. use the /faint command to get down. or, y'know...
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