Recent content by ThePixalator

  1. ThePixalator

    My corner Shop

    70k for pink gyarados
  2. ThePixalator

    Closed bruh i thought u fixed this

    fix it fast.. black screen
  3. ThePixalator

    add ability's

    pls it would be noice and would change the meta of the game?
  4. ThePixalator

    Merry Christmas 3 mil giveaway

    merry christmas
  5. ThePixalator

    Closed Cant Log

    oh i can now sry!!
  6. ThePixalator

    Closed Cant Log

    why in the world...every 5min my game crashes and says connectivity prob, i try other webs like google and stuff and it works?! pls fix
  7. ThePixalator

    September Connectivity Issues

    my screen is black
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