Search results

  1. keiraisgood

    There is no pokemon nowhere

    no need to search lol- there's no pokemon in every tile xd
  2. keiraisgood

    rise is going to die

    rise is going to die
  3. keiraisgood

    Not sure if bug or intentional

    oh my god why is there cp...
  4. keiraisgood

    I think its a glitch.

    I think its a glitch.
  5. keiraisgood

    kira shop :D

    sure what are you going to give for those?
  6. keiraisgood

    kage! I think you were banned 2021 cuz I joined that time and I was in your guild, plus wasn't...

    kage! I think you were banned 2021 cuz I joined that time and I was in your guild, plus wasn't your ban 50 years?
  7. keiraisgood

    player moving is glitched

    player moving is glitched
  8. keiraisgood

    theres a literal section in the forums called player marketplace lmao...

    theres a literal section in the forums called player marketplace lmao...
  9. keiraisgood

    I keep getting kicked from the game

    how are you not aware of the problem yet...its a server problem. we are all experiencing it.
  10. keiraisgood

    Pokémon Snake Game

    eevee :>
  11. keiraisgood

    kira shop :D

    sp.atk- 8 speed- 16
  12. keiraisgood

    Pokémon Snake Game

    eh they got hacked probably. its like those discord scams they probably fell for the scam themselves
  13. keiraisgood

    Pokémon Snake Game

  14. keiraisgood

    kira shop :D

    update: regi gone, got a buzzwho
  15. keiraisgood

    Pokémon Snake Game

  16. keiraisgood

    kira shop :D

    also rebranded name of shop to "kira shop :D" instead of "the kira shop"
  17. keiraisgood

    kira shop :D

    desperately need to trade registeel :,) also trading/selling 7 rare candies :DD (is there any way to remove these links off the shop?)
  18. keiraisgood

    a bit

    a bit
  19. keiraisgood

    kira shop :D

    hi! sorry I haven't checked up on this shop in a while. I'm trading jangmo and Gardevoir we can discuss price in game! :>
  20. keiraisgood

    fix the issues

    it's weird how the inactivity log out issue is still going on and some people still can't access their storage come on, it's been weeks- a bunch of mods and some devs are standing outside of ht- its been like this for ages and the problem hasn't even gotten better by the slightest. nobody has...
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