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  1. Red707

    "stats rising and stats lowering moves in rise DO NOT work/exist" ~ "KageYoshi" (Quote)

    "stats rising and stats lowering moves in rise DO NOT work/exist" ~ "KageYoshi" (Quote)
  2. Red707

    I want to laugh but I was banned too so... Yeah

    I want to laugh but I was banned too so... Yeah
  3. Red707

    Waiting for Players New Years Tournament Theme Suggestions

    The following ideas come to mind. Mix, Chose or Leave it, your call: Max Stat: Each Pokemon in the Participant's team must have the highest base stat in one of these: (HP, Atk, Sp.Atk, Def, Sp.Def, or Speed.) No exceptions. Type [Spin the Wheel]: Spin the wheel for a participant's type. every...
  4. Red707

    Waiting for Players Ros Olympic

    Love the rules
  5. Red707

    Wooper Fanart

    Meaning your other drawings even better. I'm more focused on the message "head empty" lmao. good 1. Reminded me of summery.
  6. Red707

    Calling all wooloo lovers

  7. Red707

    Wooper Fanart

    Love the drawing, mate. You're pretty good.
  8. Red707

    New pfp!!!!!!!!

    Yay, Narcissism.
  9. Red707


    Best guild I know
  10. Red707

    New pfp!!!!!!!!

    Siamese cat, thats a nice one. Sorry to hear, mate. Sounds like she meant alot to you.
  11. Red707

    I regret reading it already

    I regret reading it already
  12. Red707

    I keep getting stuck

    I sympathize with you. You are forced to help some-one. (EDIT: Don't mention my ban)
  13. Red707

    I make 3-d Pokemon cards

  14. Red707

    Pokémon Spawn Times

    It's ingame time. In case you didn't know, day is another word for morning.
  15. Red707

    I need some degenerates and a plan to take over pokemon rise.

    wooloo skin I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
  16. Red707

    tree bug and faint bug

    standing on top of NPCs can result in this sticky glitch. using the /faint command will usually fix it. if /faint does not fix your position you'll need a staff member to teleport you out of the professor. ask in chat or discord when you see a moderator online.
  17. Red707

    new pfp

    :facepalm: Anyways, its good
  18. Red707


    EV means Effort value. You can't reduce it but you can increase it. For example, A Noivern needs Sp.Atk and Speed EV. Each EV can reach 252 EV while in total the maximum EV of one mon is 510. so technically you can do 252+252+6 on one mon. Sometimes an unwanted ev is at max so u need to reset it...
  19. Red707


    ya if only
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