Search results

  1. Liocare

    Not sure if bug or intentional

  2. Liocare

    Pokémon Snake Game

    eevee (u cud go on for ages repeating eevee :0)
  3. Liocare

    Pokémon Snake Game

    u need like 2 iq to fall for that :(
  4. Liocare

    Pokémon Snake Game

  5. Liocare

    Pokémon Snake Game

    go get a life
  6. Liocare

    Pokémon Snake Game

    gigantamax garbodor
  7. Liocare


    ill take that
  8. Liocare

    Jus some daily updates

    ye :)
  9. Liocare

    Jus some daily updates

    forgot to post yesterdays
  10. Liocare

    Fix the game

    make emails work and stop us from getting kicked
  11. Liocare

    Random stuff

  12. Liocare

    Rise Token helps making more events.

    theres an army of staff in ht so it could be done. all we need them to do is fix the major bugs like getting kicked and emails then this would be possible
  13. Liocare


    for all?
  14. Liocare


    how much for pink sneasle, blue togepi, blue ferroseed and blue honedge?
  15. Liocare

    Jus some daily updates

    forgot to show ivs
  16. Liocare

    Jus some daily updates

    Ima star postin when I log off for the day showin some stuff I did in the day (based on what im doing rn it will prolly be updates on how much exp toxi has atm) today i gonna get toxi to 10m exp and i bought sinnoh box and pulled the worst hippo known to mankind
  17. Liocare


    this is buyable stuff now?
  18. Liocare

    Technical help

    no problem :D
  19. Liocare

    Technical help

    so people dont burn their legs like me
  20. Liocare

    Technical help

    If your computer heats up like mine, stop playing rise for a bit, stop using it as a laptop (my legs were mildly heated) and put it on the table or cook some eggs
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