kira shop :D


Active member
Dec 4, 2021
you don't need to know :D
regarding to helldiver, yeah sure you offer, and monkey do you think chomp is ok? i dont know values im sorry it was the only thing i liked in your shop
ur friendly values person here
I stalk ppls shops I'm sorry
uhhh chomp would be somewhat over? maybe it would be worth more common shinies, depends on what the shinies are and how hard they are to trade out
as of now, chomp isn't that rlly in demand (unless ur prod), so it may be worth like 1 less shiny, so monkey would be over by some
Likes: bigbro20843
Oct 13, 2020
Tysm kira for the trade, will be using most if not all the mons u gave for pvp.
Orange - Execute, Golett, Noivern, Happiny, Helioptile, Probopass, Musharna
Pink - Axew, Golett, Nincada, Ninjask, Kabutops, Slowking, Swablu, Magnezone, Swablu, Houndour
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