Recent content by kop

  1. kop

    Bounty Hunter Eevee

    kop hippopotas with orange iv and should have 28+ hp and atk and 25+ spd
  2. kop

    kitty's list of ev training locations!! 🌸

    it needs alot of updates
  3. kop

    Closed kawaii world guild cute pokemon catching contest !! (ended!!)

    ur guild and my guild are complete opposites,mine is like a strict one thats why i never allow anyone in my guild and urs is like sweet and not too serious
  4. kop

    Closed Imagine how wild it would be if Eevee returned and actually hosted a tournament after getting incredibly sick.

    this tourney is also going down since now no one can enter the game till the reset
  5. kop

    Closed Imagine how wild it would be if Eevee returned and actually hosted a tournament after getting incredibly sick.

    eevee are u gonna start this tourney or will this also end up like the first one ?
  6. kop

    Closed Imagine how wild it would be if Eevee returned and actually hosted a tournament after getting incredibly sick.

    normally moves with power above 130 are banned,but since eevee is the host he has to decide it
  7. kop

    Closed Imagine how wild it would be if Eevee returned and actually hosted a tournament after getting incredibly sick.

    there is power limit used in lv 50 battles pls mention that also
  8. kop

    Closed Imagine how wild it would be if Eevee returned and actually hosted a tournament after getting incredibly sick.

    keep it a lv 50 poke almost all participants can prepare lv 50 poke easily than lv 100s
  9. kop

    Closed Hybrid’s monotype tournament

    even i'm in and i have the same request as letaothepro
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