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  • Notevz001
    Notevz001 replied to the thread Shop™.
  • Notevz001
    Notevz001 replied to the thread ©Shop™.
    Accidently posted this while making, this is the wrong shop
  • Notevz001
    Notevz001 replied to the thread Shop™.
    This is the correct shop
  • Notevz001
    Notevz001 replied to the thread ©Shop™.
    This is the wrong one go to the other shop
  • Notevz001
    Notevz001 posted the thread Shop™ in Player Marketplace.
    Hello mates, teeny shop for ya. Grey ivzz Stantler Magikarp White ivzz Scyther Mantine Shinx (x2) Snoring Magikarp Castform Aron Pichu...
  • Notevz001
    Notevz001 posted the thread ©Shop™ in Player Marketplace.
    Hello mates, teeny shop for ya. Grey ivzz Stantler Magikarp White ivzz Scyther Mantine Shinx (x2) Snoring Magikarp Castform Aron Pichu...
  • Notevz001
    and no, I won't be leaving, I'll just be chilling in 0,0 if you see me on
  • Notevz001
    uhh hi, summ here Shoppppp will be permanently closed as of now, this is because I've been increasingly busier, and I don't have as many...
  • summery463
    summery463 replied to the thread Shoppppppp (closed).
    and no, I won't be leaving, I'll just be chilling in 0,0 if you see me on
  • summery463
    summery463 replied to the thread Shoppppppp (closed).
    uhh hi, summ here Shoppppp will be permanently closed as of now, this is because I've been increasingly busier, and I don't have as many...
  • Tatery1
    Tatery1 replied to the thread ToT.
    I am confused but i like tot
  • Tatery1
    Tatery1 replied to the thread Gym Leader rematches.
    I do like idea of bringing back purpose to gyms, it's just a useless building after u beat gym leader
  • summery463
    summery463 replied to the thread Wooper Fanart.
  • RonSS4
    RonSS4 replied to the thread Gym Leader rematches.
    free munee + a purpose for gyms after you beat them
  • Red707
    Red707 replied to the thread Wooper Fanart.
    Meaning your other drawings even better. I'm more focused on the message "head empty" lmao. good 1. Reminded me of summery.
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