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  1. The1void

    More gyms

    and that what I want to go it cuz if the persons who have shiny can join that means just the lucky players can get the badg
  2. The1void

    weakly event

    we just need more events T-T
  3. The1void

    Closed NPS for training aur pokemons

    I hate my life and I search for a EVs trainer so why we can't give our pokemon to NPS to leveled up them or train them with a price like every point on EVs with 100 or evrey lvl for your pokemon for 1k and the NPS get 1h to give your pokemon back
  4. The1void

    Closed Riding Pokimons

    my pokemon is slow and when I walk my pokemon cant be next to me so I m die before my pokemon com and when I want to catch rare pokemon I take my pokemon in and I use Axew with False suip to get the best chance of catching
  5. The1void

    Closed Riding Pokimons

    naaaaaah i hate when I die from wild pokemon I remember in some times I see rare pokemon but when I try to catch it I m dead T_T
  6. The1void

    More gyms

    Electric gym physick gym bug gym Dark gym Fire gym Dragon gym and just my idea why we don't have shiny gym where we need to have 1 shiny pokemon to join it
  7. The1void

    Closed Riding Pokimons

    we need pokemon can ride him like pidjeot or Charizard or arcanine or Gyarados and we can swim with the water pokemon
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