Rules And Regulations
* You have to register 8 level 50 pokemon, however 6 will be used in battle.
* Pokemon can be change in between those 8 for battle.
* No duplicate Pokemon allowed ( Alolan forms are allowed).
*No legendaries, pseudo legendaries, and their evolution line, or mega evolution, ultra beast, and only Pokemon available in wild to be registered (i.e. includes safari).
* There should be no held item.
* Snorlax, Rhyperior, and Slaking banned.
* Moves 140+ power banned.
*Hax moves also banned ( Nuzzle, False Swipe, Fake out ) and status moves also (Confuse Ray, Will O Wisp, Thunder wave, Sleep powder, etc) banned.
* Battle will happen in presence of a staff member
* It will be 6 pokes 1 v 1 tourney.
* Last man standing
*Immune typing will have tiebreaker.
* Register your poke before 15 January
*Registration Form:
* Official Tournament Date: 20 January
Time : 10:30 AM
*1st place: Hoopa
*2nd place: Clobbopus
*3rd place: Sh Veno
I am looking forward to seeing you all participate! Good luck!
Darklordarya won
Ambro Won
* You have to register 8 level 50 pokemon, however 6 will be used in battle.
* Pokemon can be change in between those 8 for battle.
* No duplicate Pokemon allowed ( Alolan forms are allowed).
*No legendaries, pseudo legendaries, and their evolution line, or mega evolution, ultra beast, and only Pokemon available in wild to be registered (i.e. includes safari).
* There should be no held item.
* Snorlax, Rhyperior, and Slaking banned.
* Moves 140+ power banned.
*Hax moves also banned ( Nuzzle, False Swipe, Fake out ) and status moves also (Confuse Ray, Will O Wisp, Thunder wave, Sleep powder, etc) banned.
* Battle will happen in presence of a staff member
* It will be 6 pokes 1 v 1 tourney.
* Last man standing
*Immune typing will have tiebreaker.
* Register your poke before 15 January
*Registration Form:
* Official Tournament Date: 20 January
Time : 10:30 AM
*1st place: Hoopa
*2nd place: Clobbopus
*3rd place: Sh Veno
I am looking forward to seeing you all participate! Good luck!

Darklordarya won
Ambro Won
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