Cancelled contest, don't reply

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Mar 19, 2021
Hello people,

Today you will have chance to win shiny cryogonal.

All you have to do is write a story where the main character is a wooloo.

Entries will be judged on COMEDY, STORYTELLING, and how INTERESTING they are.


Proof of cryogonal:


  • Cannot be longer then 500 words
  • Must be interesting
  • Can be any genre (ex: horror, fantasy, whatever)


New member
Dec 8, 2022
Once upon a meadow in the cozy Galar region, there lived a Wooloo named Winston. Winston wasn't your ordinary Wooloo; he had a peculiar knack for rolling down hills, and not just the gentle slopes - Winston craved the steepest, wildest rides he could find. His friends often warned him, "One day, Winston, you'll roll so far, you won't find your way back!"
One sunny afternoon, Winston stood atop Wooloo Hill, the highest point in the meadow. "This will be my greatest roll yet!" he declared, his woolly body trembling with excitement. With a wiggle and a wobble, he launched himself over the edge, gathering speed as he tumbled down.
As Winston rolled faster and faster, he saw his friends cheering him on from below. But then, something unexpected happened. Winston veered off the usual path and found himself careening into the forest! Trees whooshed by in a blur, and Winston couldn't stop. He rolled over roots, under low branches, and even startled a flock of Pidove, sending them scattering in a flurry of feathers.
"Oh wool!" Winston bleated, a mix of thrill and terror in his voice.
Deeper into the forest he rolled, until finally, he landed in a heap of soft leaves. Dizzy and disoriented, Winston got to his feet and looked around. He was in a part of the forest he'd never seen before. Strange sounds echoed, and the air smelled of adventure.
Determined not to panic, Winston began to explore. He soon encountered a mischievous Grookey, who was playing tricks on a group of Butterfree by hiding their favorite flowers. Seeing Winston, Grookey grinned and said, "Hey there, woolly roller! Fancy helping me with a prank?"
Winston shook his head, "I'm trying to find my way home, actually."
Grookey, intrigued by the unexpected visitor, offered to help. "Follow me! I know this forest like the back of my paw."
The unlikely duo set off, encountering all sorts of characters along the way. They helped a Yamper untangle its tail from a vine, discovered a hidden pond with sparkling water, and even stumbled upon a hidden stash of berries that Winston couldn't resist sampling.
As the day turned to dusk, Grookey led Winston to the edge of the forest. "Just over that hill, you'll find your meadow," Grookey said, waving goodbye.
Winston thanked his new friend and rolled back home, where his fellow Wooloo awaited with worried bleats. "Winston! We thought you'd rolled away forever!"
Winston beamed, his wool even fluffier from the adventure. "I had the woolliest ride of my life! And I made a new friend too!"
From that day on, Winston became a local legend. Wooloo from all around came to hear his tales of the forest, and he never rolled without a trusty map tucked into his wool. His friends, while still cautious, couldn't help but admire Winston's adventurous spirit and the stories he brought back.
And so, Winston the Wooloo continued to roll, exploring new hills and valleys, always ready for the next wild, woolly ride.


Active member
Jan 16, 2021
Pokemon Rise
In the quaint town of Fluffington, where the grass is always green and the sun always shines, there lived a mischievous Wooloo named Woolly. Woolly was the black sheep of the flock, quite literally, with a penchant for causing chaos wherever it went.

One sunny morning, Woolly woke up with an idea that would surely go down in Fluffington's history. It decided to organize a grand Wooloo parade to celebrate the annual Fluff Festival.

With its wool freshly fluffed and a mischievous twinkle in its eye, Woolly set off to recruit its fellow Wooloo for the parade. But convincing the other Wooloo to join in proved to be quite the challenge.

One Wooloo insisted it was too busy rolling down hills, another claimed it had to attend a knitting class, and yet another simply wanted to nap in the shade. But Woolly was determined to make the parade a success, even if it meant resorting to some creative persuasion.

After a series of hilarious mishaps involving tangled wool and runaway sheep, Woolly finally managed to rally enough Wooloo to form a parade. With Woolly leading the way, the Wooloo parade marched through the streets of Fluffington, much to the amusement of the townsfolk.

But just as the parade reached its climax, disaster struck. A mischievous flock of Mareep, jealous of the attention the Wooloo were receiving, decided to crash the parade with their own antics.

What ensued was a chaotic spectacle of wool and sparks, as the Wooloo and Mareep engaged in an epic showdown of fluffiness and static electricity. The townsfolk could only watch in awe as the two flocks duked it out, turning the streets of Fluffington into a battlefield of hilarity.

In the end, amidst the chaos and laughter, Woolly realized that the true joy of the Fluff Festival wasn't in the parade itself, but in the bonds of friendship forged along the way. And as the sun set on Fluffington, with Wooloo and Mareep alike nursing their bumps and bruises, the town echoed with the laughter of a day well-spent.
Mar 19, 2021
Since people already cheating, ima call this contest off. I'll be giving away the same poke in a different one though.

Once upon a meadow in the cozy Galar region, there lived a Wooloo named Winston. Winston wasn't your ordinary Wooloo; he had a peculiar knack for rolling down hills, and not just the gentle slopes - Winston craved the steepest, wildest rides he could find. His friends often warned him, "One day, Winston, you'll roll so far, you won't find your way back!"
One sunny afternoon, Winston stood atop Wooloo Hill, the highest point in the meadow. "This will be my greatest roll yet!" he declared, his woolly body trembling with excitement. With a wiggle and a wobble, he launched himself over the edge, gathering speed as he tumbled down.
As Winston rolled faster and faster, he saw his friends cheering him on from below. But then, something unexpected happened. Winston veered off the usual path and found himself careening into the forest! Trees whooshed by in a blur, and Winston couldn't stop. He rolled over roots, under low branches, and even startled a flock of Pidove, sending them scattering in a flurry of feathers.
"Oh wool!" Winston bleated, a mix of thrill and terror in his voice.
Deeper into the forest he rolled, until finally, he landed in a heap of soft leaves. Dizzy and disoriented, Winston got to his feet and looked around. He was in a part of the forest he'd never seen before. Strange sounds echoed, and the air smelled of adventure.
Determined not to panic, Winston began to explore. He soon encountered a mischievous Grookey, who was playing tricks on a group of Butterfree by hiding their favorite flowers. Seeing Winston, Grookey grinned and said, "Hey there, woolly roller! Fancy helping me with a prank?"
Winston shook his head, "I'm trying to find my way home, actually."
Grookey, intrigued by the unexpected visitor, offered to help. "Follow me! I know this forest like the back of my paw."
The unlikely duo set off, encountering all sorts of characters along the way. They helped a Yamper untangle its tail from a vine, discovered a hidden pond with sparkling water, and even stumbled upon a hidden stash of berries that Winston couldn't resist sampling.
As the day turned to dusk, Grookey led Winston to the edge of the forest. "Just over that hill, you'll find your meadow," Grookey said, waving goodbye.
Winston thanked his new friend and rolled back home, where his fellow Wooloo awaited with worried bleats. "Winston! We thought you'd rolled away forever!"
Winston beamed, his wool even fluffier from the adventure. "I had the woolliest ride of my life! And I made a new friend too!"
From that day on, Winston became a local legend. Wooloo from all around came to hear his tales of the forest, and he never rolled without a trusty map tucked into his wool. His friends, while still cautious, couldn't help but admire Winston's adventurous spirit and the stories he brought back.
And so, Winston the Wooloo continued to roll, exploring new hills and valleys, always ready for the next wild, woolly ride.


Jan 14, 2022
'round the corner
The air was crisp and cold, as if a thousand tiny needles were pricking at your skin. The sky was a deep shade of indigo, fading into the blackness of space. A single star twinkled overhead, its light casting a warm glow across the barren wasteland below. You stood atop a hill, your breath forming little clouds in the frigid air. Beside you was your trusty Wooloo, its fur as white as freshly fallen snow. It sniffed the air curiously, tilting its head from side to side before giving a contented little sigh.

You had been wandering for days now, ever since you had left the safety of your village. The journey had been long and arduous, but you knew that you had to keep going. You were searching for something, or rather, someone. Your sister, whom you had not seen in years. Her name was Lila, and she had left to explore the world beyond the village walls when you were both still young. You had promised her that you would find her one day, no matter how long it took.

As you stood there, lost in thought, your Wooloo nudged you gently with its soft, fluffy nose. It seemed to sense your inner turmoil and was offering its unconditional support and companionship. You reached down and scratched the little Pokémon behind the ears, eliciting a contented sigh from it. Its fur was as white as freshly fallen snow, and its big, innocent eyes gazed up at you with unwavering trust.

You glanced around, taking in the desolate landscape once more. The ground was covered in a thin layer of ice, cracking under your feet as you shifted your weight. The only sign of life was a small stream winding its way through the barren wasteland, its crystal-clear water providing a stark contrast to the frozen earth. You wondered if your sister had passed this way, if she had crossed that distant mountain range on the horizon.

Deciding that you had wandered long enough, you turned to your Wooloo and gave it a reassuring pat on the head. "Alright, let's keep going. We'll find her, I promise." The little Pokémon nodded vigorously, its fluffy tail wagging slowly back and forth. It seemed to sense your determination and resolve, and was willing to follow you into the unknown.

Together, you began to make your way down the hillside, careful not to slip on the icy ground. The air grew colder as you descended, the wind picking up and whistling through your fur and whiskers. You could feel the burn in your lungs as you struggled to draw in each breath, but you knew that you had to push on. You refused to give up now.

Your Wooloo followed closely behind, its tiny hooves making almost no sound against the frozen earth. It seemed to sense your determination and was content to let you lead the way. You could almost imagine it whispering words of encouragement into your ear, urging you to keep going no matter how difficult the journey might become.

The landscape began to change as you neared the base of the hill. The ground grew rockier, and sparse patches of vegetation began to appear here and there. A small stream meandered its way across your path, its water sparkling in the dim light. You paused for a moment, cupping your hands and taking a drink before turning to your Wooloo. "Come on, let's cross this and see what lies on the other side." The little Pokémon nodded eagerly, stepping forward and following you across the shallow stream.

On the other side, the terrain became even more rugged, with jagged outcroppings of rock jutting up from the earth like the broken teeth of some ancient beast. The air grew warmer, and you could feel the weight of your fur begin to lessen as sweat beaded on your brow. You wondered if this was what Lila had experienced during her journey. Had she faced similar hardships, or had she found an easier path? You could only hope that she was still out there, somewhere, and that you would one day find her.

As you continued to press onward, your Wooloo at your side, you began to sense a change in the air. It was subtle at first, barely perceptible, but as you breathed it in deeper, it grew stronger. There was a scent in the air, a familiar scent that you couldn't quite place. It was as if it were calling to you, beckoning you onward toward something important. You quickened your pace, eager to discover what lay ahead.

The sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in a blaze of orange and red. The jagged peaks of a distant mountain range loomed before you, their snow-capped summits glowing like embers in the dying light. You could feel your heart racing as you realized that this might be it - the place where you would finally find your sister. With renewed determination, you urged your Wooloo on, climbing ever closer to the base of those mighty peaks, one step at a time.

As you crested a final ridge, you caught sight of something moving in the distance. It was a figure, a girl not much older than yourself. She seemed to be standing atop a nearby outcropping, her back turned to you. Her long, flowing hair whipped about in the wind, and her clothing was tattered and worn, yet still held an air of dignity. Could it be? Could this truly be Lila? You felt a lump form in your throat as you fought back tears of joy and relief. With one last push, you and your Wooloo raced toward your sister, eager to embrace her after all these long years apart.

As you drew nearer, the figure turned around, revealing her face. It was her, it was Lila! Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized you, and for a moment, neither of you could say anything. You threw your arms around her, burying your face in her shoulder, and she held you just as tightly, sobbing quietly into your fur. Your Wooloo nuzzled up against the pair of you, content to be a part of this reunion.

Finally, you pulled away, wiping the tears from your eyes. "I found you," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the wind. "I found you, Lila." She smiled through her tears, her eyes shining with joy and love. "I knew you'd come for me," she said, reaching out to stroke your cheek. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long."

The three of you stood there for a while, lost in your emotions, the world around you fading away into insignificance. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the mountains in shadow, you knew that you had found not only your sister, but also a new home. Together, the three of you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, and you were confident that no matter where your journey took you, you would always have each other.


Active member
Jan 16, 2021
Pokemon Rise
The air was crisp and cold, as if a thousand tiny needles were pricking at your skin. The sky was a deep shade of indigo, fading into the blackness of space. A single star twinkled overhead, its light casting a warm glow across the barren wasteland below. You stood atop a hill, your breath forming little clouds in the frigid air. Beside you was your trusty Wooloo, its fur as white as freshly fallen snow. It sniffed the air curiously, tilting its head from side to side before giving a contented little sigh.

You had been wandering for days now, ever since you had left the safety of your village. The journey had been long and arduous, but you knew that you had to keep going. You were searching for something, or rather, someone. Your sister, whom you had not seen in years. Her name was Lila, and she had left to explore the world beyond the village walls when you were both still young. You had promised her that you would find her one day, no matter how long it took.

As you stood there, lost in thought, your Wooloo nudged you gently with its soft, fluffy nose. It seemed to sense your inner turmoil and was offering its unconditional support and companionship. You reached down and scratched the little Pokémon behind the ears, eliciting a contented sigh from it. Its fur was as white as freshly fallen snow, and its big, innocent eyes gazed up at you with unwavering trust.

You glanced around, taking in the desolate landscape once more. The ground was covered in a thin layer of ice, cracking under your feet as you shifted your weight. The only sign of life was a small stream winding its way through the barren wasteland, its crystal-clear water providing a stark contrast to the frozen earth. You wondered if your sister had passed this way, if she had crossed that distant mountain range on the horizon.

Deciding that you had wandered long enough, you turned to your Wooloo and gave it a reassuring pat on the head. "Alright, let's keep going. We'll find her, I promise." The little Pokémon nodded vigorously, its fluffy tail wagging slowly back and forth. It seemed to sense your determination and resolve, and was willing to follow you into the unknown.

Together, you began to make your way down the hillside, careful not to slip on the icy ground. The air grew colder as you descended, the wind picking up and whistling through your fur and whiskers. You could feel the burn in your lungs as you struggled to draw in each breath, but you knew that you had to push on. You refused to give up now.

Your Wooloo followed closely behind, its tiny hooves making almost no sound against the frozen earth. It seemed to sense your determination and was content to let you lead the way. You could almost imagine it whispering words of encouragement into your ear, urging you to keep going no matter how difficult the journey might become.

The landscape began to change as you neared the base of the hill. The ground grew rockier, and sparse patches of vegetation began to appear here and there. A small stream meandered its way across your path, its water sparkling in the dim light. You paused for a moment, cupping your hands and taking a drink before turning to your Wooloo. "Come on, let's cross this and see what lies on the other side." The little Pokémon nodded eagerly, stepping forward and following you across the shallow stream.

On the other side, the terrain became even more rugged, with jagged outcroppings of rock jutting up from the earth like the broken teeth of some ancient beast. The air grew warmer, and you could feel the weight of your fur begin to lessen as sweat beaded on your brow. You wondered if this was what Lila had experienced during her journey. Had she faced similar hardships, or had she found an easier path? You could only hope that she was still out there, somewhere, and that you would one day find her.

As you continued to press onward, your Wooloo at your side, you began to sense a change in the air. It was subtle at first, barely perceptible, but as you breathed it in deeper, it grew stronger. There was a scent in the air, a familiar scent that you couldn't quite place. It was as if it were calling to you, beckoning you onward toward something important. You quickened your pace, eager to discover what lay ahead.

The sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in a blaze of orange and red. The jagged peaks of a distant mountain range loomed before you, their snow-capped summits glowing like embers in the dying light. You could feel your heart racing as you realized that this might be it - the place where you would finally find your sister. With renewed determination, you urged your Wooloo on, climbing ever closer to the base of those mighty peaks, one step at a time.

As you crested a final ridge, you caught sight of something moving in the distance. It was a figure, a girl not much older than yourself. She seemed to be standing atop a nearby outcropping, her back turned to you. Her long, flowing hair whipped about in the wind, and her clothing was tattered and worn, yet still held an air of dignity. Could it be? Could this truly be Lila? You felt a lump form in your throat as you fought back tears of joy and relief. With one last push, you and your Wooloo raced toward your sister, eager to embrace her after all these long years apart.

As you drew nearer, the figure turned around, revealing her face. It was her, it was Lila! Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized you, and for a moment, neither of you could say anything. You threw your arms around her, burying your face in her shoulder, and she held you just as tightly, sobbing quietly into your fur. Your Wooloo nuzzled up against the pair of you, content to be a part of this reunion.

Finally, you pulled away, wiping the tears from your eyes. "I found you," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the wind. "I found you, Lila." She smiled through her tears, her eyes shining with joy and love. "I knew you'd come for me," she said, reaching out to stroke your cheek. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long."

The three of you stood there for a while, lost in your emotions, the world around you fading away into insignificance. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the mountains in shadow, you knew that you had found not only your sister, but also a new home. Together, the three of you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, and you were confident that no matter where your journey took you, you would always have each other.
Jul 13, 2022
The air was crisp and cold, as if a thousand tiny needles were pricking at your skin. The sky was a deep shade of indigo, fading into the blackness of space. A single star twinkled overhead, its light casting a warm glow across the barren wasteland below. You stood atop a hill, your breath forming little clouds in the frigid air. Beside you was your trusty Wooloo, its fur as white as freshly fallen snow. It sniffed the air curiously, tilting its head from side to side before giving a contented little sigh.

You had been wandering for days now, ever since you had left the safety of your village. The journey had been long and arduous, but you knew that you had to keep going. You were searching for something, or rather, someone. Your sister, whom you had not seen in years. Her name was Lila, and she had left to explore the world beyond the village walls when you were both still young. You had promised her that you would find her one day, no matter how long it took.

As you stood there, lost in thought, your Wooloo nudged you gently with its soft, fluffy nose. It seemed to sense your inner turmoil and was offering its unconditional support and companionship. You reached down and scratched the little Pokémon behind the ears, eliciting a contented sigh from it. Its fur was as white as freshly fallen snow, and its big, innocent eyes gazed up at you with unwavering trust.

You glanced around, taking in the desolate landscape once more. The ground was covered in a thin layer of ice, cracking under your feet as you shifted your weight. The only sign of life was a small stream winding its way through the barren wasteland, its crystal-clear water providing a stark contrast to the frozen earth. You wondered if your sister had passed this way, if she had crossed that distant mountain range on the horizon.

Deciding that you had wandered long enough, you turned to your Wooloo and gave it a reassuring pat on the head. "Alright, let's keep going. We'll find her, I promise." The little Pokémon nodded vigorously, its fluffy tail wagging slowly back and forth. It seemed to sense your determination and resolve, and was willing to follow you into the unknown.

Together, you began to make your way down the hillside, careful not to slip on the icy ground. The air grew colder as you descended, the wind picking up and whistling through your fur and whiskers. You could feel the burn in your lungs as you struggled to draw in each breath, but you knew that you had to push on. You refused to give up now.

Your Wooloo followed closely behind, its tiny hooves making almost no sound against the frozen earth. It seemed to sense your determination and was content to let you lead the way. You could almost imagine it whispering words of encouragement into your ear, urging you to keep going no matter how difficult the journey might become.

The landscape began to change as you neared the base of the hill. The ground grew rockier, and sparse patches of vegetation began to appear here and there. A small stream meandered its way across your path, its water sparkling in the dim light. You paused for a moment, cupping your hands and taking a drink before turning to your Wooloo. "Come on, let's cross this and see what lies on the other side." The little Pokémon nodded eagerly, stepping forward and following you across the shallow stream.

On the other side, the terrain became even more rugged, with jagged outcroppings of rock jutting up from the earth like the broken teeth of some ancient beast. The air grew warmer, and you could feel the weight of your fur begin to lessen as sweat beaded on your brow. You wondered if this was what Lila had experienced during her journey. Had she faced similar hardships, or had she found an easier path? You could only hope that she was still out there, somewhere, and that you would one day find her.

As you continued to press onward, your Wooloo at your side, you began to sense a change in the air. It was subtle at first, barely perceptible, but as you breathed it in deeper, it grew stronger. There was a scent in the air, a familiar scent that you couldn't quite place. It was as if it were calling to you, beckoning you onward toward something important. You quickened your pace, eager to discover what lay ahead.

The sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in a blaze of orange and red. The jagged peaks of a distant mountain range loomed before you, their snow-capped summits glowing like embers in the dying light. You could feel your heart racing as you realized that this might be it - the place where you would finally find your sister. With renewed determination, you urged your Wooloo on, climbing ever closer to the base of those mighty peaks, one step at a time.

As you crested a final ridge, you caught sight of something moving in the distance. It was a figure, a girl not much older than yourself. She seemed to be standing atop a nearby outcropping, her back turned to you. Her long, flowing hair whipped about in the wind, and her clothing was tattered and worn, yet still held an air of dignity. Could it be? Could this truly be Lila? You felt a lump form in your throat as you fought back tears of joy and relief. With one last push, you and your Wooloo raced toward your sister, eager to embrace her after all these long years apart.

As you drew nearer, the figure turned around, revealing her face. It was her, it was Lila! Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized you, and for a moment, neither of you could say anything. You threw your arms around her, burying your face in her shoulder, and she held you just as tightly, sobbing quietly into your fur. Your Wooloo nuzzled up against the pair of you, content to be a part of this reunion.

Finally, you pulled away, wiping the tears from your eyes. "I found you," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the wind. "I found you, Lila." She smiled through her tears, her eyes shining with joy and love. "I knew you'd come for me," she said, reaching out to stroke your cheek. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long."

The three of you stood there for a while, lost in your emotions, the world around you fading away into insignificance. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the mountains in shadow, you knew that you had found not only your sister, but also a new home. Together, the three of you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, and you were confident that no matter where your journey took you, you would always have each other.
Bro gets first prize🤣
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