Pokémon Spawn Times

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Feb 10, 2024
CT time North Dakota
ok so for the past day or so i have been hunting for a very rare pokémon (bulbasua) BUT i was asking if since it doesn’t say in game morning just night and day i was wondering if it was in irl time? like say it’s 9 am irl and pm in game would it spawn or not because bulbasuar only spawns at morning IMG_1297.jpeg
Oct 24, 2022
ok so for the past day or so i have been hunting for a very rare pokémon (bulbasua) BUT i was asking if since it doesn’t say in game morning just night and day i was wondering if it was in irl time? like say it’s 9 am irl and pm in game would it spawn or not because bulbasuar only spawns at morning View attachment 5156
It's ingame time. In case you didn't know, day is another word for morning.
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