

New member
Jan 22, 2022
Hello Everyone
As of right now I have about 230k to spend on my shopping list :rolleyes:
As of right now the pokemon I am buying are:
Gen 1:
Low ivs - middle ivs 15-30k

Blue ivs 40+
Above blue ivs nego
Gen 2:
nego, its pretty rare in the wild

Gen 3:
Low ivs - middle ivs 15-30k

Blue ivs 40+

Gen 4:
low-middle 20-50k
High ivs nego

Gen 5:
Low ivs - middle ivs 15-30k

Blue ivs 40+

Gen 6:
chespin pretty rare ngl so nego

Gen 7:

Low ivs - middle ivs 15-30k
Blue ivs 40+

I'll update when I get more moneys if the pokemon you want to sell me is worth a lot.
Oh btw sometimes I'll be online just do /pm 74e (with your message) if you have any offers. also please do not offer higher evolutions. I only take first evolutions.
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