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Active member
Feb 26, 2021
As you can see by the name, "warnings", give people a warning for using the wrong section, not giving good information(As you can see by the example), just writing random stuff, or not even giving idea's. As you can see by the pictures below(no offense to the people thread I'm going to use, your just an example), these are bad example's of how your thread should NOT look like, check it out:
Capture 1.PNG
Capture 3.PNG

and here are good example's of fantastic thread's:
Capture 1.PNG
Capture 3.PNG

As you can see by these threads, people give awesome idea's and add how it should be used, For example, Kyreo33 thread looks fantastic(nice job), it adds how his idea could work, and gives example's how his idea could be beneficial for the game, this is how thread's should look like.

For my idea, "Warnings", give people a warning if they don't give reasonable explanation, just adds random stuff, or can't even think of nothing(example: pokemon126902), they just say they are idea and don't add anything that could give us a idea on how there idea works or how there idea will look like and after 3 warnings take their rights to post anything in forums and mute them in chat for a whole WEEK. Yes a whole week, and your probably thinking how this idea would benefit the game well here are my reasons:

Reason Number 1: It will make the game better, it would not see dumb thread's and devs, mods can see how your idea would make the game better and probably try to add it
Reason Number 2: More Players: If New people came to the game saw how clean and organized the threads are they will probably give Pokémon Rise a try

This is all the reasons I could think of right now, and you got any questions let me know below and I will try to answer them as fast as possible

Thank you for reading, take care

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