Login Streaks


New member
Nov 22, 2019
I think that in some or in all of the events (christmas, easter, halloween etc.(if the developer is into those kind of things.)) That there should be a calendar like "on the first day of christmas the pokemonrise team gave to me 1 rare candy. on the second day of christmas..." etc. etc. you get my gist? and everyday i gets progressively better as in types of stones candy, money, gold, or maybe even a pokemon or clothing items. (R3ZZ suggested this next part so thank you R3ZZ. But for the clothing and/or pokemon you can only get them if you log in that day. And that you can't buy the pokes or clothing in the gs or find them in the wild and that you can't buy the clothes in the store.) I feel like this could be a huge happiness booster in the game cause the login streaks nowadays kinda suck (love the rest of the game though keep it up guys!) because people who have millions a few thousand is not a lot. thats it have a good day and rly think this over
Likes: r3zz


Active member
Apr 25, 2020
Yea and then watch everyone with alt abuse the pokes and items and trade them to one account (no)
let's just say we learn from our mistakes at Halloween (people with alts ruined it for others)

Now the cloths are a nice idea but coding it in to the daily login would be a time consuming pain which the Devs don't have right now
so the compromise would be, if you have any ideas for Christmas outfits to be added to the game, I'm sure our artists staff would love to know them and then we should be able to at least add them to the cloths shop
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