Closed suggestions about travel and exploration

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Nov 13, 2020
Surfing: Surfing is an amazing feature and i would love to see it in rise it would be cool to be able to use tms like surf waterfall and dive rise. One example of use is in safari to the furthest left there is a water area where pokemon spawn and are unreachable you could use surf on that to reach those pokemon as well as use dive to enter the strange pipe and maybe discover a secret area. you could also use surf and dive to explore the water tiles and maybe find secret loot ( i think surf should only be available to full evolved high level pokemon so not to flood the servers with surfers)

bikes: travelling is a pain in rise you should add some secret area where only strong people can go where you acquire the bike to speed around.

Just a side note: there are a lot of box only pokemon which i seem unfair maybe add them to safari or add some areas like dragon spiral tower or the giant chasm where you can aquire them(make them rare though so not to dilute the novelty of having one)

Another side note:I really like the new feature of global buff you shoud do that more often
Jun 3, 2020
Try holding down shift while running, that speeds up your movement speed. And not to put words in the developer's mouth, but Brad has said there isn't going to be surfing as far as I remember.
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