Whats you best rise story?


Moderator/Future is an imagination
Jan 21, 2020
You mau have started 3 years back, or just yesterday. But we all got ourselves a rise journey. Share your journey, success and failures. Let's all talk about the best rise momemt!


I started on an October spooky event, 2018. Idk how i found this game, prly looking for a better pokemon game than planet/showdown. My first day started with spam trading someone. I still remember brad telling me not to spam XD. ANYWAY, Played a few days, caught a good normal team, and a good friend. We played together, shared shinies and dexed. Bt was no where near the table atm. One day, when brad decided to add legendary spawner, i think it's Turtle, who tried to spawn a pokemon with it(7.5M for a legie i remember) but nothing happened. Then rage used it by some other people, Mike was a premium player then. He did added some money, I don't remember tbh. Anyway, 3 legies spawned at once. People where running all around cause it showed where the legendary spawn cord, but without a teleporter. As everyone was going for the highlight, i nicely ran for the third one, Deoxys. I was shivering when i saw it, in a town. Thankfully, caught deoxys... My first legendary. Anj was already at a good pace with groudon, kyogre and a few other legies. We played together and i got groudon for some shinies and a good Greninja.(was too rare atm) then we had Xmas event, and later, i took a break. (Traded deoxys for genesect, then for regigigas.. one of my fav.) After the break, which was almost an year, now started playing. Going great, looking forward for more contributions to the game. And that's it.

now tell me your rise story. I'm all eager to hear those epic stories(small/big)😉

Tell your story Now!!! 😉😀
Oct 28, 2020
I started about 5 months ago and I was being "coached" by my brother and learning new things from him. My first day I broke a rule and begs Joe for a leggy (that's prly why he hates me) I never got it however that day I joined a guild, Clan Centurio. It was nice, but then I just felt like I did not belong so I created my own guild. My guild was Swagger Squad, I got no one to join... it sucked. Then I changed it to Pharaoh Sanctuary, no one joined. I disbanded and I think I joined Clan Centurio again. Then I left again. I had no guild, I felt lonely. I traded, I trained, I became good. However, I had one amazing thing happen to me. I became a Karp. I made my guild Karp Kingdom and it was going fine, I instantly lvled it up to 8 and tons of people joined. almost 30 people. But most people left because they said I wasn't online enough. After trading a ton, I got a ton of eevees and changed my guild to Eevee Kingdom. It did not last long but I don't regret my decisions. I changed it back to Karp Kingdom and then I made my alt (this account). Then I got banned (idk why). Sooooooo, now I am using my alt until my original account is unbanned.

I love you chrystina, hope you hope online soon. And that is DaOneSwagger's Journey, well at least so far. Bye :)
Likes: iPlayMaker


Moderator/Future is an imagination
Jan 21, 2020
I started about 5 months ago and I was being "coached" by my brother and learning new things from him. My first day I broke a rule and begs Joe for a leggy (that's prly why he hates me) I never got it however that day I joined a guild, Clan Centurio. It was nice, but then I just felt like I did not belong so I created my own guild. My guild was Swagger Squad, I got no one to join... it sucked. Then I changed it to Pharaoh Sanctuary, no one joined. I disbanded and I think I joined Clan Centurio again. Then I left again. I had no guild, I felt lonely. I traded, I trained, I became good. However, I had one amazing thing happen to me. I became a Karp. I made my guild Karp Kingdom and it was going fine, I instantly lvled it up to 8 and tons of people joined. almost 30 people. But most people left because they said I wasn't online enough. After trading a ton, I got a ton of eevees and changed my guild to Eevee Kingdom. It did not last long but I don't regret my decisions. I changed it back to Karp Kingdom and then I made my alt (this account). Then I got banned (idk why). Sooooooo, now I am using my alt until my original account is unbanned.

I love you chrystina, hope you hope online soon. And that is DaOneSwagger's Journey, well at least so far. Bye :)
You cant use alt while your main is banned. Them both will be perm banned


Active member
Feb 28, 2020
Well I joined late 2019, I was looking for a replacement for other multiplayer Pokémon games like @iPlayMaker, and ever since Ive been playing and having fun with the amazing rise community. This is a very good designed game for friends to play together. I also saw some rise videos on YouTube which inspired me to become a YouTuber for rise and other games as well. Good job on the game Brad keep up the good work.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Likes: iPlayMaker


Active member
Oct 11, 2018
I started in 2017 06 18, I choose a charmander as my starter. i named it Miki. i was stunned by how different rise was. it was refreshing for once though, i was someone normal with a simple team i liked peoples, peoples liked me. it was nothing spectacular until i create neo team rocket. which was a terrible idea. it got the best of me and i was banished from the region for two years.. i came back mid 2019 As i eventually realised my mistakes and got my banishment broken. i came back with a new mindset and as a better person catching everything that interested me and training them carefully until i become a lazy yoshi (XD) and decided to buy almost everything. i eventually lost all my 2017 pokemons due to a unknown glitch... including miki. nowaday i got myself a new charmander she a charmeleon now and i named her MikiJr. i live nicely with a team i enjoy. ^^
Aug 20, 2020
Here's my story,

It was in the middle of lockdown, I was feeling low and was always playing games on my laptop or editing my novel I'm making (that's secret shush) when I found this beauty of a place. I made an account and started playing. I picked my starter (not realizing you could scroll down and wanting to get froakie) and picked Charmander XD
So my Rise story began.
I was a bit of a noob at first, not knowing much and trying to get a bit of guidance was hard cause I felt intimidated by all the players with their shinies and leggies and stuff like that, but I learned to like em and not feel so scared. Some nice guys gave me some free pokes. I got given heracross and all sorts of cool Pokémon but the one I always have kept was the riolu Striker gave me. I still have it today in pc looking as cool as the day I got it. I said to him straight away that I'll pay him back so I grinded and traded and got good (sorta) I made some good trades got some Pokémon I love ( shout out to FalseSwiperBoi kanga dragonBoi birb (swablu) mantyke and my awesome starters) and I paid Striker back with a blue iv togepi with good stats. I then started to meet DiamondThoughts DaOneSwagger UditGupta7 Ashwin Tatery yalavarthinthin Sirsendu and many other people, my greatest rise friends. Ashwin Diamond and Udit were always leading me in the right direction and being such nice guys and Swagger and Tatery was always laughing at my jokes and them just being in the game really made my day .yalavarthinthin was just nice to talk too and was so happy when I gave him advice and that really made me feel good about myself. Sirsendu and Michael just made me laugh so hard :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I owe it all to them. Once I became a semi-pro in rise I Started making friends with the people who first seemed so intimidating to me ages ago but now all my fear had faded because I believed I could do anything if I put my mind to it. I made friends with the pro gamer people of rise (in my eyes that is) cause they seemed cool to talk too and I honestly don't regret it one bit. Iplay, Kage Kidz Bubba Pookid Katall Kierto XPhantom 3Catspam Ken Kyreo Kart Shrysh Shasha Cyborg Mike Chait/Groot Warviking <---- ( this guy is a legend with cooking by the way) you guys are the best. Then I met even more people and laughed even more and became the best man (well I'm kinda not a man yet but still) I could ever be due to these people just being here for me. Mcard/Michael Sir Knighthawk who I still need to give the oats to (lol inside joke) Sir Namuh Zenia( the queen of starters and qt Pokémon) GmaxEevee Volcarontic Caps KingofPoo and so many more.

awww.png op quote.png
Honestly, times are tough. I got a chat ban, been a bit of a moron but its not that that is bugging me. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve friends like these
to all 108 of you and to the many friends I am yet to meet: I love you all
keep being you,

Kaleem- Guy with a lot of friends but even more family (that's all of you):giggle::giggle:
Likes: iPlayMaker
Jun 3, 2020
I was on the Island event, still a big nub (with no master balls) and found a Landorus. I tried using Great, Ultra, and even Premiere balls, (as I was a nub) and Mozzin came by and caught it. I was a little mad, and then he just gave it to me and wouldn't take anything for it. That was my first legendary, and soon after that I got a master ball finally. I've only used one on a Thundurus from the same Island, though. A few people have asked to buy or trade for it, but I'm always going to refuse.


Active member
Feb 28, 2020
I was on the Island event, still a big nub (with no master balls) and found a Landorus. I tried using Great, Ultra, and even Premiere balls, (as I was a nub) and Mozzin came by and caught it. I was a little mad, and then he just gave it to me and wouldn't take anything for it. That was my first legendary, and soon after that I got a master ball finally. I've only used one on a Thundurus from the same Island, though. A few people have asked to buy or trade for it, but I'm always going to refuse.
Mozzin actually grabbed a moltres that i found in last years christmas event not sure if they killed it tho... thats quite the coincidence
Likes: mozzzin1


New member
Nov 18, 2020
i started out on october because i was looking for a good pokemon game. and when i started out i had a team set up to try and get. i wanted noivern lucario bisharp sammurott charizard and umbreon but it wouldnt be easy especially the umbreon and i have all the pokes i need except for umbreon
Likes: iPlayMaker
Dec 30, 2020
I started out on December 24, 2020, born from the Johto region, moved to the Acara region (what the pokemon rise region is (i made up the name; its not an official name)) and woulda got a starter pokemon if it weren't for the Pichu who awaited at my doorstep. SInce then, Bolt and I have been going through the Acara region, with very few gyms here, more adventures await us everyday, and still to this day we've been great pals and awesome travelers, meeting new Pokemon (sometimes catching for my tastes) as we go. Instead of my Bolt who was a Pikachu, evolving with a Thunder Stone (it did ingame) it evolved when it beat the steel type gym and saved another Pikachu from greedy hands. Usually, my housekeeper, good ol' Samurott, comes on with me on my adventures. I got myself a Oshawott and soon, when I live on my own, I'll have my own Sammy.
Oh and btw, this is my trainer card....

need to update it too lol
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Likes: iPlayMaker
Mar 15, 2021
I started a few days ago, and i am pretty new at dis. i was off to get my first starter if it weren't for me taking a stroll into the woods. I saw and injured zorua and i thought i would get my starter another day. i took care of the zorua. at first, it didn't trust me but sooner or later it knew i wasn't a threat. afer the zorua became well again and i went to get my starter. but then it seemed like the zorua waned to stay with me. So we went all around the rise region(didn't know what else to name it) and became rlly strong together! Then once, my zorua evolved :D. we found new friends along the way in our journey to become the VERY BEST. My goal is to currently make my own guild :D. And my members will become greater and stronger TOGETHER.
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Mar 15, 2021
I started out on December 24, 2020, born from the Johto region, moved to the Acara region (what the pokemon rise region is (i made up the name; its not an official name)) and woulda got a starter pokemon if it weren't for the Pichu who awaited at my doorstep. SInce then, Bolt and I have been going through the Acara region, with very few gyms here, more adventures await us everyday, and still to this day we've been great pals and awesome travelers, meeting new Pokemon (sometimes catching for my tastes) as we go. Instead of my Bolt who was a Pikachu, evolving with a Thunder Stone (it did ingame) it evolved when it beat the steel type gym and saved another Pikachu from greedy hands. Usually, my housekeeper, good ol' Samurott, comes on with me on my adventures. I got myself a Oshawott and soon, when I live on my own, I'll have my own Sammy.
Oh and btw, this is my trainer card....

need to update it too lol
btw how do u post ur trainer card?
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