Um, here is my first day of Pokemon Rise went.
It was three days ago, I was looking for some fun, online, Pokemon RPGs, but I couldn't find a single one that was actually fun(except Pokemon Plasma, but after you do a hunt it gets really boring) until I stumbled upon Pokemon Rise. Now, this was when I was a young little boy, and I was dumb and said, "Oh let's tell dad about this" and now he plays as well... anyway, I signed up, picked a Rowlet, and started my adventure. When I was on the Starter Island for a few days, I caught a Zigzagoon, Spearow, Whismur, and a Scatterbug. I talked to old man Aspen and he sent me to Blakenole Town, where I made my first friend, bruhbruhbr, and some people gave me pokemon, some advice, and someone even gave me two Tyrunts and an Aerodactyl! Then, my Rowlet evolved, went to safari, caught some pokemon, and yeah. That's how my first day of Pokemon Rise went. How did yours?